Thursday, June 5, 2008

Recent Developments

Friends of Felton (FOF) chairman Rob McCreath has been in contact with Ambre Energy regarding their latest plans for the Felton mine and hybrid energy plant. It appears Ambre Energy have no set date for the release of their updated Initial Advice Statement (IAS). FOF are waiting to see the details of Ambre Energy’s revised plans for the hybrid energy plant so as to reassess the impact to the Felton Valley.

A delegation from FOF met with the Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) in Millmerran to voice their concerns and ask for TRC support. The council appeared surprised at the planned scale of the mine and plant, with production to reach 24 million tonnes of coal a year, and FOF felt the council was very much in support of their view that it is time a line in the sand was drawn as regards mining in this area. The suggested line runs between Millmerran and Acland, and FOF asked that no planning applications for mining or any energy plant be approved east of that line.

The photographic project put together by Lorraine Seipel was displayed at the meeting, and the attendees were very impressed by the presentation and quality of the display. This will be seen at the World Environment Day functions in Toowoomba on Sunday 1 June.

This week’s slogan is : Petro Chemcials Out, We Need Farmers Without Doubt

The next meeting will be on Thursday 12th June at 7pm at the Felton Hall : all welcome

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